ABC: How to recognize your skin type

Hi! This will be the first “ABC” post! “ABC” will be a post category about make-up and skin care basis etc.
Today I talk about skin types.
It could sound obvious, but it’s very important to know our skin type so we can choose the right daily products, treatments and the right makeup.
These are the skin types we can find: normal, oily, sensitive, dry, combination and impure skin.
Clean you face, don’t apply your cream yet, then wait and see your face with attention: if your skin appears smooth and compact, it’s normal. Products for this skin type will mainly hydrate and protect the skin from external agents.
If your skin looks shiny, especially on your nose, forehead and chin, if it has large pores, some pimples and blackheads, and you feel it greasy by touch, your skin is oily. In this case, your products will be astringent, emollient, sebum rebalancing, purifying and oil free. After the cleansing  you should use an astringent tonic (with alcohol can be good too), then finish your routine with a mattifying cream with SPF.

If your skin is very pale, soft but thin and easily becomes red, it’s sensitive and in this case all your products must be hypoallergenic. Choose a cleansing product without irritant substances to protect the hydrolipidic film, an alcohol free tonic otherwise rose-water or thermal water. Complete your skin routine with a moisturizing and hypoallergenic cream with SPF filters, with higher SPF if your skin is pale.
Who has sensitive skin must choose his product with extra care, I advice to test before a small amount of product on a clean, restrict and very reactive area, such as, neck or wrist.
If your skin is thin but rough, if it produces few sebum and if it often chaps and presents rosacea, it is dry. As detergent use a 2 in 1, nourishing and cleansing, creamy product, then an alcohol free tonic and a face cream with solar filters.
I have combination skin and it makes me some troubles! How can you recognize combination skin?
That’s simple: combination skin has both oily and dry skin characteristics, the famous “T zone” (forehead, nose and chin) is oily, anyway all over the body other zones can be oily, such as, shoulders and chest socket.
Products for combination skin must be chosen  depending on how much oily or dry zone you have.
Impure skin (with acne) is a skin with pimples, blackheads and a high sebum  production. This skin type often shows a hydrolipidic film modification or a ph alteration. There are a lot of causes, lot of forms and lot of treatment (sulfur soaps, clay masques etc… ). But don’t trust in DIY solutions and visit a dermatologist who can study your case, find the causes and suggest you the right product.
I assure you, If you know your skin type, it will be easier for you to take care of it and choose the right foundation too!
Whatever is you skin type, remember to apply always a SPF cream to protect yourself from UVA and UVB rays, in fact, UVA s go deeply into the skin and cause quick aging and wrinkles, and UVB s are the first cause of skin tumors like melanomas.

P.s: Before you go out, wear protective sunglasses because UVBs are dangerous for your wonderful eyes!
Now you’re ready for another radiant day!

Thank you for reading!
I’m sorry if I do some mistakes, but I’ve decided to write without google translator so I can improve my English.

Image source:
Photographer’s portfolio


ABC: How to recognize your skin typeultima modifica: 2011-01-23T22:31:00+01:00da
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